Faculty Assembly Minutes

2 October 2009

1:45 pm, Telecom Rooms, All Three Campuses

Present:  S. Baricska, R. Berry, C. Cornforth, D. Cresap, C. Dale, T. Danford, F. DeCaria, D. Ferrell, D. Folger, D. Goeddel, M. Goldstein, S. Gress, D. Hans, C. Harbert, K. Herrington, J.Keyser,  A. Kuca, R. Lucki (presiding), , M. Marlin, C. Morris, K. Musilli, B. Peterman, R. Pusz, T. Ramsey, C. Riter, D. Ryan, S. Rychlicki, L. Shelek, P. Sharma,  J. Tully, M. Watson, G. Winland, J. VanFossan, T. Vavra, D. Yadrick


Guests:  none


R. Lucki called the meeting to order at 1:45 pm.  On a motion by S. Rychlicki with a second by T. Vavra, the draft minutes from the 19 August 09 Faculty Assembly meeting were approved as published (http://www.wvncc.edu/tdanford/senate/).

Committee Reports: 

Faculty Committees 2009-2010



Academic Appeals

No meeting


Met.  Organized for the fall semester.  New staff members added to the committee.

Board of Governors

Routine… still working on Straub property acquistion


Preliminary meeting; new CFO


Met.  Some changes to the OFAD program, first reading.  Need proposals NOW for catalog changes.

Distance Education

P. Sharma distributed draft document, “Course and Overload Assignment Procedure for Distance Education Courses”.

Enrollments Management

No meeting

Advisory Council of Faculty

M. Goldstein reported on the last ACF meeting.  The legislative agenda was a major concern.  See motion about this in these minutes.

Faculty Evaluation

No meeting.

Financial Aid

No meeting.


Institutional Technology

No meeting.

Judicial Board

No meeting

Learning Resource Center

No meeting.

Professional Development

No meeting

Promotion Committee

No meeting


No meeting


No meeting

Student Appeals

No meeting



Old Business:  The draft faculty position description was discussed at length.  The attached version is the one that was approved by the Faculty Assembly.  The following changes were made:  3. Cross out “usually 10 courses or” and “during day and evening”; 7. Cross out “distributed over five (5) days”; 17. Add to end of sentence “during contract period”; and 24. Cross out entire item.

The final version was passed on a motion by S. Gress with a second by M. Goldstein.

Other old business still remaining on the agenda are 1) promotion committee and procedure, 2) faculty absence and 3) merit proposal for next year.

New Business:  There was no new business.


Adjournment:  On a motion by M. Watson with a second byD. Cresap, the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Thomas R. Danford, secretary