Assembly Minutes
May 2009
pm, Telecom Rooms, Wheeling and Weirton
R. Berry, D. Cresap,
C. Dale, T. Danford, M. Davis, F. Decaria,
D. Folger, M. Goldstein, M. Grubor,
R. Guy, S. Hupp, L. Ingram, C. Kefauver (presiding), R.
Lucki, R. Malek, M. Marlin,
M. Merz, C. Morris, B. Peterman, J. Plesa, T. Ramsey, C. Riter, D.
Ryan, S. Rychlicki, P. Sharma, J. Tully, J. Van Fossen, M. Watson, G. Winland,
D. Yadrick
Guests: Dr. M. Olshinsky,
President; Dr. V. Riley, Vice President Academic Affairs
Assembly President, Chris Kefauver, called the meeting to
order at 1:50 pm. He introduced Dr.
Martin Olshinsky, President.
M. Olshinsky: Dr. Olshinsky addressed the Assembly about three matters. First was the possible pandemic of H1N1
influenza A. He indicated that if local
cases develop, it will be the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department in
charge. Preliminary thoughts include
closing both K-12 and higher education institutions. He wants faculty to think about “what if’s”.. what if Northern has to close
for a couple of weeks soon, or over the summer, or in the fall? How would faculty ensure the continuity of
Second, the draft rule on faculty illness and absence had
many comments and will be under consideration until the fall semester. Faculty are
encouraged to do “homework” over the summer and be ready for the review of a
new draft early fall semester.
Third, the Governor’s budget is due on 23 May. All salary increases except faculty
promotions and steps on the Mercer scale (set by State Code) are on hold at
this time. Northern will have the funds
for salary increases if the technology fee is approved. This is a wait and see situation.
Vicki Riley: Dr.
Riley spoke about faculty “contracts”.
She indicated that faculty should have received a “letter of intent”
which must be signed and returned to the Human Resources office for continuity
of employment. This letter of intent
indicated that the compensation would be the same as last year. Once the budget is finalized, any faculty
with compensation changes would be notified.
After discussion, the Assembly requested that ALL faculty
receive such notification (listing of compensation for the contract year) not
just those with changes. Dr. Riley said
she would make such arrangements with Human Resources.
of April Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were
approved on a motion by B. Peterman with a second by T. Ramsey. No action was taken on the minutes from the
special meeting held on Friday, 17 April.
Policy Update: L.
Ingram discussed changes in the Merit Policy.
The changes are mainly centered around
documentation of activities. There will
be new, revised forms on the Human Resources pages for faculty to use in
reporting meritorious activity. The
points and the acceptable activities remain the same for next year.
In the question of no merit funds being available, the
Merit Committee is recommending a 60%/40% split of funds; 60% or $8,000 of the
budgeted $12,000 would go towards funding the already approved points and 40%
would be used for points earned in 2009-10 (new merit packets submitted in
March 2010).
Absence Rule: The proposed Faculty Absence Rule has been
rejected by the Assembly (4/3/9) and a subcommittee (M. Davis, F. Decaria, M. Goldstein, C. Kefauver, and R. Pusz) has been formed to draft a replacement
rule. This subcommittee will be working
over the summer. Any additional comments
should be forwarded to a committee member.
Contracts: See discussion
under Dr. Riley’s comments.
Assessment |
T. Danford reported that the committee met and is
reorganized and ready to do the peer evaluations of submitted assessment
reports. It still needs an additional
faculty member from the Humanities Division and will be expanded to include
two more classified staff members. He
asked faculty to resubmit to him any un-posted assessment reports they might
have. |
Budget | No Meeting |
Curriculum |
meeting |
Education |
meeting |
Management |
meeting |
Goldstein reported that most colleges in the state use a “collegiate”
coverage model for sick leave. The ACF
may be addressing this problem in the future. |
meeting |
Technologies |
meeting |
meeting |
Development |
meeting; no committee?? |
Education |
meeting |
Merit |
report above |
Other |
report(s) |
Business: None
Business: The Middle College program will be happening this fall
semester so you may see some high school students in your classes.
The Dislocated Workers program is about to begin. Faculty may be needed to assist; you will be
contacted if needed.
The Steering Committee will need faculty input. The VPAA will be contacting faculty about
Adjournment: On a motion by R. Lucki
with a second by D. Cresap, the meeting was adjourned
at 3:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas R. Danford, secretary