Draft Minutes, Faculty Assembly, 2 December 2011
Faculty Assembly Minutes
December 2, 2011
Present: T. Aftanas, S. Baricska, S. Buerdsell, R. Berry, C. Cornforth, C. Dale, M. Davis, F. DeCaria, M. Deichler, E. Evans, B. Fulton, M. Goldstein, M. Grubor, R. Guy, D. Hans, C. Harbert, L. Ingram, M. Kahl, C. Kefauver, J. Keyser, A. Kuca, R. Lucki, R. Malek, M. Marlin, B. Peterman, J. Reho, C. Riter, S. Rychlicki, P. Sharma, M. Stephens, D. Stoffel, C. Stokes, J. Tully, M. Watson, G. Winland, M. Wycherley
Presiding: D. Ryan
Guests: P. Carmichael, J. Fike, S. Lippiello
Meeting was called to order at 2 pm:
Auditorium, B&O Building, Wheeling
Via IP video: Weirton and New Martinsville
Information concerning Safety Committee presented by guests P. Carmichael, J. Fike, and S. Lippiello:
• January 3, 2012 – a full time police officer will be hired for a day shift
o partnered with Wheeling Police Department
o specific schedule is yet to be determined
• Reminder concerning the orange sheets in each classroom
o be aware of them – they are posted near the podiums
o telephone numbers at the bottom to be called in case of emergencty
o request from faculty member that the location of the AEDs be added
• Fire Drill
o faculty members requested clarification regarding where students should evacuate and updates on locations
o C. Cornforth requested advance notice of planned fire drills
o J. Fike reported that the fire department thought the planned fire drill went well
• Emergency Telephone – a person can leave a voicemail message
o D. Ryan posed a question concerning the emergency telephone as well as evening coordinator
• Evening Coordinator
o K. Herrington requested the position be filled again
o this would provide a contact person for adjunct faculty since administrative offices are only open until 6:00 pm
o P. Carmichael expressed that position was not viable. It had been reviewed, but they were unsure of the value.
o J. Fike and S. Lippiello explained that the police officer or maintenance person would contact them in the event of an emergency.
o Because this concerns adjunct faculty, the issue will be passed on to V. Riley
• Public Access Policy
o faculty expressed concern that there was not enough faculty input
o guests replied that faculty representatives were aware of the policy
o D. Ryan and C. Harbert replied that they were not aware
o C. Cornforth suggested that faculty agree with the goal of a safer campus, but this document does not help in meeting this goal
o Weirton faculty expressed concern about whether or not it applies to outer campuses
o faculty member suggested the statement “unless accompanied by a Northern employee” be added to the policy
o P. Carmichael said they may take suggestions into consideration
o faculty expressed concern about library access
o faculty expressed concern about whether or not there would be enough personnel to enforce the policy in general and asked who would be monitoring
o faculty asked if there could be reasonable exceptions
o faculty expressed concern about the issue of children on campus particularly in conjunction with students dropping off papers
o P. Carmichael, S. Lippiello, and J. Fike said that the concerns would be discussed with V. Riley
o faculty expressed concern about whether or not the comments and concerns were reaching administrators
o P. Carmichael, S. Lippiello, and J. Fike said that every student should have an id card
o faculty emphasized the need for administrative support after 5:00pm
o faculty suggested that id badges be used to open doors
Motion: Approval of Minutes from October 2011
R. Lucki / M. Deichler
Motion Passed
Committee Reports:
• Assessment: No meeting.
• Curriculum:
o K. Herrington reported:
 In order to be in compliance with Series 11 the committee heard from multiple programs
 General education was approved
 Committee discussed the Health Science Math – 2 credit core requirement: Fundamental Math. P. Sharma and R. Lucki are working on revising Tech Math I for this purpose.
 Change in HPE – letter grade now assigned
 Next meeting: 1:00 pm Friday December 9 – too late for a proposal
• Distance Education: No meeting.
• Enrollments Management: No report.
• ACF:
o M. Goldstein reported:
 Gave thanks for comments on the PEIA proposal
 PEIA proposed charging patients more for copayments and eliminating chiropractic and massage therapy coverage
 PEIA has reached a compromise on some issues
 Noted that Brian Nolan, current WV Chancellor is moving on to a new position in east Tennessee
• Board of Governors:
o R. Berry reported:
 College is moving forward with the renovations on the Honda/Hyundai building – it will be a bookstore and student lounge open to the public
• Institutional Technologies:
o C. Cornforth reported:
 No meeting because there was a scheduling conflict in November
 Next meeting is January 20th
 Single Sign On will be implemented allowing students access to email, Blackboard, NOW and Grades First
• Initial sign in information will be N# and email address
• LRC:
o C. Harbert and D. Ryan reported:
 Discussed new ideas for information literacy
 New barcode system will be implemented
 VHS will be phased out totally
• General Education: No meeting.
o Committee currently lacks leadership.
• Merit: No meeting.
• Budget Committee:
o C. Kefauver reported for D. Roth:
 Discussed schedule for capitol requests and budget
 College reserve stands about $10 million – can’t be used for salary
 Capitol assets were at $16 million six years ago. They’ve increased today to $40 million.
• Promotion: No meeting.
• FERC: No meeting.
• Textbook Affordability Committee: No meeting.
• Other:
o Advising committee:
 C. Stokes reported:
• Looking to implement and advising center
• Looking at the assignment of advisees
• Possibility of faculty not completing another assignment rather than advising of students
Weirton Campus Dean Selection:
• R. Berry brought forth concern about the process. She informed faculty that people were called for interviews, and now the position is being advertised again.
o Asked for information at the BOG regarding internal candidate qualifications
o M. Koon said that no candidate was perfect
• Faculty expressed some concern about administrative practice of hiring outside of the college
• Faculty questioned the criteria for being hired internally and whether or not there is a perfect match
• Faculty expressed concern about the practices of selection committees and the filtering of resumes before reaching the committee
Motion: All resumes submitted for a position be made available to the search committee.
• Discussion: who will this motion be sent to?
o Should the resume have to meet minimum qualifications?
 Resumes should be sorted into two piles – those that did not meet minimum requirements and those that did – both piles should be taken to first meeting of research committee
C. Cornforth / K. Herrington
Motion Passed
Administrative Evaluations:
• Faculty questioned the current system for evaluations of administrators and the rationale for asking feedback from only a select few
• Faculty suggested that the evaluations be sent college wide – open to everyone
o Compared to student evaluations of faculty – where all students have the opportunity to provide feedback, not just a few
• Faculty suggested that instead of paper evaluations, survey monkey could be used
Motion to Adjourn
R. Lucki / M. Watson
Motion Passed