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Virtual Express Spring Registration
December 16, 2020
9:00am - 12:00pm

Register for spring semester from the comfort of your own home!
Choose a time convenient for you, and you will be able to register, ask questions, and get any help you may need for spring classes - all from the comfort of home!
You may meet with us virtually on zoom, or by phone only - just call in with the number provided!
- Register early to get the classes you want
- Register online from the comfort of your home
- Friendly staff ready to guide you through the process & help every step of the way
- Counselors & advisors on hand to ensure you're on the right path & help answer questions
December 16 / 9am-Noon
Meeting ID: 838 9917 5968
or call in by phone only: +16465588656
December 16 / 3-6pm
Meeting ID: 823 2473 7756
or call in by phone only: +13017158592
December 17 / 11am-2pm
Meeting ID: 896 8983 6420
or call in by phone only: +13017158592
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