As part of the ongoing accreditation process required by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), we are conducting a survey of alumni from the WVNCC Radiography Program. Please complete the following questions pertaining to your current situation
Now that you have worked in the profession and gained valuable experience, please answer the following questions in reference to what you have learned in training, and its usefulness in everyday work situations. Thank you for your time and effort!
After each statement listed, please circle the number that coincides with your abilities. The numbers are: 4=Very Competent; 3=Competent; 2=Mildly Competent; 1=Not Competent
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the WVNCC Radiography Program using the following numbers: 4 = Extremely Satisfied; 3 = Satisfied; 2 = Moderately Satisfied; 1 = Dissatisfied