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Community Ed Classes at Weirton

Posted 03/22/16

A series of six free or low-cost Community Education classes will be offered in April on the Weirton campus of West Virginia Northern Community College.

Weirton Campus Dean Larry Tackett explained registration for the classes is available by visiting the Student Services Center on the campus at 150 Park Ave., Weirton Heights.

“Investments and Retirement Planning,” a free class, will be held from 6-7 p.m. on April 7 in Room 115. The class will explore how interest rates and longevity affect participants’ financial future. New academic studies have found that understanding very specific and simple math can help better manage market risks. This one-hour presentation will explain how retirement distribution planning can help enhance a current or future retirement.

Registration deadline for this class is April 5 and the instructor is Matthew Zagula.

“Art for People Who Can’t Draw” has a $30 tuition and $5 materials fee and will be conducted from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 12, 14, 19, 21 and 26, in Room 209-B. This class is for people who want to explore art production but have no experience with drawing. Students will have the opportunity to make several pieces of art and learn techniques that can be applied to the independent practice of art. Expect to use bright colors, luscious paints, interesting papers and unusual techniques to create works of art that will be fun to make and look at for years to come.

Registration deadline is April 7 and the instructor, Margaret Pearson, says, “I believe that art is possible for everyone so come have some fun and set your inner artist free.”

“Aerobics for Seniors” is a free class that will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 and 28, in Room 243. Senior aerobics is a class designed for older men and women who want to start exercising at a moderate pace or who already exercise and want to try something new. This is a low impact class with an emphasis on stretching and simple movements to music. For each movement, the instructor (who also is a senior) will demonstrate how to do it the easy way or turn it up a notch so that people who are less fit as well as fit can benefit. Participants should wear loose or stretchy clothing and athletic shoes and bring a bottle of water.

Registration deadline is April 8 and the instructor is Carol Teaff.

“Basic Gardening” has tuition of $30 and will be taught from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays, April 12, 19 and 26, in Room 115. Come to this course if you are looking for Gardening 101 or if you are a seasoned gardener looking for new information and want to share your gardening knowledge. Topics include spring preparation, vegetable and herb gardening, annuals vs. perennials and getting rid of pests and bugs organically. There will be “a couple of fun, hands-on projects” instructor Ann Bailey, a certified master gardener, said.

Registration deadline for this class is April 8.

“Introduction to T’ai Chi” will be held from 9-10 a.m. on Fridays, April 15, 22 and 29, in Room 243. Cost is $15. Participants will explore the workout, defensive techniques and health benefits of Tai Chi. This form of Chinese martial arts has evolved throughout the years as a way of alleviating anxiety and stress. The meditation motions are to promote peace for today’s world. Be free to move: wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes.

Registration deadline is April 13 and the instructor is Vickie Littlejohn of the Academy of Tae Kwon Do in Wintersville.

A free “Home Firearm Safety Course” will be conducted from 6-7:30 p.m. April 20 in Room 115. This course will focus on the 12 Golden Rules for the safe handling of firearms in homes to prevent the accidental discharge of the weapon. Participants will learn parts identification, how to determine if the firearm is loaded and how to safely unload a handgun. Guidelines will be provided that will enable attendees to safely store a firearm in the home. The topic of children and firearms in the home also will be discussed. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

Registration deadline is April 18 and instructor is Roy Boring, former Hancock County Sheriff’s Department detective.

For more information, call the campus at 304-723-2210.


