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Dominion Funds Northern's Petro Tech

Posted 11/18/15

Dominion Foundation has awarded West Virginia Northern Community College’s Foundation a grant to be used for instructional equipment in the Petroleum Technology program at Northern. Meeting at the check presentation are, from left, Dr. David Shahan, vice president of economic and workforce development; Rana Spurlock, institutional advancement coordinator; President Vicki L. Riley, all of Northern; Christine Mitchell, external affairs representative II, West Virginia state and local area, for Dominion Resources; Robert J. Krall, president of the WVNCC Foundation board of trustees; Curtis Hippensteel, instructional specialist for the college’s Petroleum Technology program; and Karri Mulhern, WVNCC director of economic and workforce development.Dominion Resources has awarded West Virginia Northern Community College a grant of $18,250 that will be used for computer software to aid classroom instruction in the Petroleum Technology program.

WVNCC was one of 40 higher education institutions in 11 states to receive an educational grant this year from Dominion, one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, headquartered in Richmond, Va. The grant was issued by the Dominion Foundation to the WVNCC Foundation.

According to Curtis Hippensteel, petroleum technology instructional specialist at Northern, the funds will be used “to purchase a computer based simulator/tutorial from GSE Systems that will enable students to learn gas processing fundamentals.”

He explained, “The software will include basic process control tutorial and simulation models that include gas-liquid flow, single phase heat exchange, reciprocating compressor operations, three phase separation, ratio and cascade control and a glycol contactor dehydrator simulation. This software will allow our students to learn field related systems and processes interactively.”

A check for the funds was presented to Northern officials by Christine Mitchell, external affairs representative II, West Virginia state and local area, for Dominion. Dr. Vicki L. Riley, WVNCC president, said, “Our Petroleum Technology program continues to grow and become more vibrant because of help from industry leaders such as Dominion Resources. We are most thankful for that support which directly affects our students.”

Robert J. Krall, president of the WVNCC Foundation board of trustees, said, “Northern’s Foundation is acutely aware of our area’s importance to the gas and oil industry and is gratified the college’s effort to provide workforce development in the energy field has been recognized by Dominion.”

Also participating in the check presentation from WVNCC were Rana Spurlock, institutional advancement coordinator; Dr. David Shahan, vice president of economic and workforce development; Karri Mulhern, director of economic and workforce development; and Hippensteel.

