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WVNCC HR Chief Cited

Posted 04/04/14

Peggy CarmichaelPeggy Carmichael, chief human resource officer for West Virginia Northern Community College, has been given the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources Meritorious Service Award by the West Virginia Chapter of CUPA-HR. She was selected for this honor by the CUPA Southern Region Board.

The award recognizes an individual from each state chapter who has made significant contributions to the profession, their institutions and/or their CUPA-HR chapters.

Carmichael, a resident of Marshall County, has her office in the B&O Building on the WVNCC Wheeling campus. In its application nominating her, the recipient’s qualifications were cited. “After the formation of our Chapter in 2007, Peggy stepped in and became a driving force in keeping us going and on track. She has singlehandedly arranged for and coordinated our annual meetings and conferences since 2009, is now in her third term as our president and encourages and motivates all of her colleagues on the board and in the chapter to continue and grow WVCUPA-HR.”
Called “the shining face of our chapter,” the nominators said Carmichael “is a major and senior leader and resource among the CHROs in our state's public higher education system, and she understands how important our CUPA membership is, for the assistance, guidance, support and inspiration we get from the national office.

“She is always upbeat, keeps all of the rest of us going and is tireless in her support of higher education human resources and our constituencies and how we may best serve,” it was noted.

At West Virginia Northern, Carmichael also is the Affirmative Action officer, Equal Employment Opportunity counselor, Americans With Disabilities