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WVNCC Radiography students getting real world experience in new Radiography lab
Posted 02/02/22
West Virginia Northern Community College Radiography students getting real world experience in brand new state-of-the-art Radiography lab.
West Virginia Northern Community College’s (WVNCC) Radiography Program has unveiled its new state-of-the-art, fully energized digital x-ray lab.
The lab consists of a brand new x-ray tube and table, as well as a wall-mounted unit, a completely updated classroom with new furniture, monitors that will allow students to watch imaging demonstrations, and a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). The suite simulates a real world clinical setting that radiography students will use upon entering the workforce, including all the latest technology.
“It is great to be able to be trained in this new lab and get hands-on clinical experience,” commented first-year radiography student Logen Johnson of Wheeling.
“The new lab includes all updated technology which is the same equipment our current students will use in the field,” added Radiography Program Director Misty Kahl.
Kahl along with Melissa Stephens, Radiography Instructor and Clinical Coordinator, bring over 70 years of combined experience in the field of Radiography to the program, and a combined 57 years of teaching experience. The program also includes three Adjunct Clinical Preceptors who work alongside the students in the clinical setting, further enhancing their “hands-on” experience. The WVNCC Radiography Program is a 21-month A.A.S degree program that is fully accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Applications are currently being accepted until June 9, 2022 for the Fall semester. Information regarding admissions requirements can be found at