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Action Center

Need help with advising or registration?

Contact us Now!

The Action Center is open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Action Center Purpose

The Action Center team is charged with providing accurate information and support regarding academic advising, career exploration, and transfer planning.

Action Center Mission

The Action Center guides students’ educational development through career exploration, advocacy and advising. The team connects students to resources, provides tools for empowerment, and instills personal responsibility for achieving goals. Additionally, the Action Center serves to foster faculty partnerships and campus and community connections, contributing to college-wide improvement of resources, processes, and services.

Good reasons to schedule an appointment with your advisor:

  • Applying to graduate and/or concerns about graduation
  • Reviewing your program/degree requirements
  • Planning your schedule for the next semester
  • Creating a degree plan/projection
  • Changing a major
  • Reviewing transfer credit
  • Advising on pre-professional programs (pre-education/pre-health)
  • Adding classes - after the term begins
  • Dropping classes
  • Returning for a second degree
  • Petitioning for reinstatement after dismissal
  • Early alert/probation/academic difficulties
  • Advice about internships/volunteer experience
  • Other situations you feel necessary

Your advisor works for you! Be proactive - you may need to call or email an advisor more than once. You can find contact information for your advisor in the DIRECTORY

  • WVNCC students should check-in with their advisors every semester.

  • Advisors post office hours on their office doors.

  • Advising makes a big difference!

 Questions for Students to Ask Academic Advisors

1. What courses do I have to take - and when - to make progress in my degree program?

2. Are there courses that aren't required that you recommend?

3. What good resources are available to search for information about the field I’ve chosen?

4. What faculty member(s) will provide accurate, unbiased information about the field(s) I’ve chosen?

5. For my program (or the another program I’m considering):

    a) What classes will give me a good sense of what my field of study is all about?

    b) What academic skills, abilities, or learning styles are needed for a student to be successful?

    c) What are the greatest challenges faced by students in this field?

    d) What do students seem to like most and least about this program?

    e) What can students do with my degree after graduation?

    f) What type of bachelors programs or professional schools would a student in my field be well prepared for?

6. Can you tell me about prerequisites and corequisites in my program?

7. Are there benchmarks or requirements to be admitted to this program? How can I be prepared for those?

8. What courses outside of my program would best support and complement the major I’ve chosen?

9. What out-of-class learning experiences (e.g., volunteer experiences, co-curricular activities, internships) would be good for me to combine with my major?

10. Am I on track to complete my degree on time?

Let us know how your registration experience went! Take this short survey and let us know how our advising plan works and how we can make it better.

Take the survey now!

Want to know how your previous trainings and experience equate to college credit?

Find out now!

Career Coach

Career Coach from Lightcast is a tool you can use to explore your interests and related careers. From there, you can make sure you go into the WVNCC program best aligned with your identified goals.

  • Take Career Assessment
    • Take a Career Assessment to learn about yourself and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.
  • Browse Careers
    • Browse or search for careers and we will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and the training you need.
  • Browse Programs
    • Browse or search for the available Programs that lead to the career you want.
  • Build Your Résumé
    • Our easy-to-use résumé builder will help you create a professional résumé. Sign Up and Build Your Résumé
  • Are You a Veteran?
    • Find civilian careers related to your military occupation.Get Started with Military Search

Visit Career Coach now to discover majors and in-demand careers based on your interests!

Career Coach

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Helpful Links for Advisors