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Our Staff

Dr. Angela Hawk

Dr. Angela Hawk

Vice President for Learning

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College Leadership

Dr. Angela Hawk steps into the position of Vice President for Learning from her role as co-interim Vice President for Learning and Director of Assessment at West Virginia Northern Community College.

As Director of Assessment, Dr. Hawk successfully steered the college through the assessment components of its most recent 10-year comprehensive evaluation. In addition to bringing clarity and focus to Northern’s program and course assessment documentation process, she wrote and revised major portions of the assurance narrative and united faculty and staff together around a meaningful vision of assessment. She recently shared the college’s success at the 2024 Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Share Fair. She continues to work closely with college faculty, staff, and administrators to develop practices that effectively assess student learning and completed her Higher Education Assessment Specialist Graduate Certificate from James Madison University in May of this year.

Dr. Hawk’s tenure at Northern is the culmination of a 20-year career in higher education. A first-generation college student from Stockton, California, she held her first full-time job mediating parking disputes at the University of California, Davis.  She went on to earn her doctorate in U.S. History at the University of California, Irvine, where she specialized in the history of mental illness and its treatment. She secured nearly $70,000 in grant funding, including a nationally-competitive ACLS/Mellon fellowship, to complete her dissertation on the international connections of a Gold Rush-era mental institution in her hometown. She went on to serve as a full-time faculty member in History and International Studies at California State University, Long Beach, where she excelled in faculty governance, assessment, and curriculum development.