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WVNCC Students Fabricate an Obstacle for Upcoming “Tough As Nails” Challenge
Posted 05/15/24
Five students from West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) are getting ready for the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge on May 26, in Wheeling, West Virginia. However, these students will not be participating in the challenge; rather, these second-year Welding students are hard at work fabricating a challenging monkey bar obstacle to be featured in this year's urban challenge.
This monkey bar obstacle will test the strength and agility of participants as they navigate through the course. After each student submitted their own design, one was chosen to be transformed from concept to reality over the past few months, all in preparation for the upcoming event. However, this endeavor isn’t just for fun; students are working on this group project as part of their Layout and Fabrication class and will receive a grade, based on their performance.
Brandy Killeen, WVNCC Welding Program Director, expressed pride in the students' involvement in such a meaningful community project. "At WVNCC, we believe in the importance of giving back to our community and providing our students with real-world experiences," said Killeen. "The Tough As Nails Urban Challenge provides an incredible opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and contribute something to our community. Not only does it allow them to work together on a group project, but it also gives them a sense of pride knowing that people in the community will get to enjoy and appreciate their hard work."
This will be the second year WVNCC students have contributed to the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge. Last year, they constructed an army crawl obstacle for the challenge.