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Drug and Alcohol Information

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug- Free Work Place Act & Compliance

The purpose of this rule is to assure compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and the Drug- Free Work Place Act of 1988.

Coverage: This rule applies to the entire College community, including students, faculty, staff and visitors to any of the campuses or classroom buildings.

Standards of Conduct: The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of illicit drugs and unauthorized use of alcohol on West Virginia Northern Community College property or as a part of any College activity is prohibited. It is prohibited to come to work, class or any College-sponsored function under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.

Disciplinary Sanctions: Consistent with College, local, State and Federal laws, the College will impose disciplinary sanctions for violation of the standards of conduct outlined above and prohibited in the Drug-Free Schools and Communities laws.

Violations could result in expulsion from school, termination of employment and/or referral to law enforcement agencies as is consistent with College rules. Federal trafficking penalties include substantial fines and imprisonment up to life. West Virginia law provides for penalties dependent on the classification of the substance, the activity involved and other convictions. The most severe penalties are for possession with intent to sell. Convictions may provide for fines and/or 42

Learn More & Find Help

We are a member of the WVCIA – WV Collegiate Initiative to Address High Risk Alcohol Use , as a member the college and the state of West Virginia, are fortunate to have many resources to help combat high risk alcohol use on college campuses. Learn more about these issues and efforts to make a positive impact.

A free benefit from Northern, WellConnect can help you or anyone in your household balance school, home and life, receive emotional support, get help with responsibleness, improve daily life and so much more.