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Financial Aid General Info

West Virginia Northern Community College offers several types of financial assistance to aid students in meeting educational expenses. Over 90 percent of the financial aid awards are granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need; however, the College also offers awards on the basis of academic and extracurricular performance. After applying for admission, students may apply for financial assistance. The College awards financial assistance without regard to race, sex, religion, disability, marital status, age or ethnic origin.

Information about West Virginia Northern financial aid statistics can be found at website under Prepare for College and College Search.  Typing the College's name will take you directly to the federal information from the National Center for Education Statistics, College Navigator information.  Prospective and current students can review information on the College and compare information with other colleges.

At West Virginia Northern, financial need is defined as "the difference between the cost of education and the amount that the student can afford to pay for the education" i.e., Expected Family Contribution (EFC). To determine financial need, the College uses information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and an institutional aid application. Students selected for verification by the federal processor will be required to submit additional documents, i.e., federal tax returns, documentation of untaxed income or other verifiable materials as needed. The data obtained from the FAFSA is reviewed confidentially to analyze the income and assets of the family to determine how much can be contributed toward the cost of higher education. Other items considered are medical expenses, taxes paid, family size and the number of family members enrolled in an institution of postsecondary education. Students dependent upon their parents are also expected to contribute to the educational costs through the past year's income and current assets.

Students who qualify may be awarded more than one type of aid. Awards may be combinations of gift (scholarships and grants) and self-help (loans and work) aid. Students must reapply for aid each academic year.

Applications for need-based aid other than Federal Pell Grants should be submitted by March 15 for the next fall semester and by October 1 for the next spring semester. Requests submitted after these dates will be accepted and processed until all available funds are utilized. Students should not expect to receive funds for at least five weeks after all documentation has been received, reviewed and verified by the College. No funds are disbursed prior to the student's first day of classes.

It is important that students keep the Financial Aid Office informed of any changes in their plans to attend college. For example, if they have already registered for classes and decide not to attend, they should notify the Financial Aid Office in writing prior to the start of the semester. The Financial Aid Office cannot withdraw students from classes. In order to withdraw from classes, students must drop online through their NOW account or contact their campus counselor.

In general, in order to receive aid students must be working toward a certificate or associate degree, not be in default on a loan or owe a repayment to any aid program at any postsecondary institution, must maintain the College's Standards of Academic Progress and, if male, be appropriately registered with the Selective Service.

Inquiries concerning financial aid or requests for applications should be addressed to: Financial Aid Office, West Virginia Northern Community College, 1704 Market St., Wheeling, WV 26003-3699.

HOPE Scholarship/Lifetime Learning Credits

The HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Credit are federal tax credits which are taken by students (or parents in some instances) when filing their federal income tax return. West Virginia Northern Community College will provide students with a 1098T when required. Students are responsible at this time for their own records of payment which apply to these credits. Information about additional tax benefits is also available. Written information may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office or Business Office at the College.

Financial Aid for Summer School

Full-time or part-time status for summer school is determined in the same manner as it is during the regular school year; i.e., 12 hours are equivalent to full time and anything less is part time. Payment for students who apply for aid and are eligible is made according to the number of hours for which the student is registered.

Non-Payment for Test Outs

Because Federal Title IV aid will only pay for time spent in class, it will not pay for test outs or challenge exams. Students are expected to pay these costs.